Sunday, June 9, 2013

Dateline Salton Sea... The presidents meet Dr. Lea and Dr. Albert

President Obama and President Xi have a two day summit meeting in Palm Springs where they talked over many things but the focus was on hacking.

An official source told the North Shore College of Knowledge reporter (Tim Hidden)
that our own Dr. Tommy Lea (world renown computer scientist and inventor)  was privately called into the summit!

Picture from the sun showing the earth!
Dr. Lea's Sun 1 space vehicle
Of interest from the presidents were to get an update on Dr. Lea's successful space trip to the sun! Dr. Lea was asked about the materials used in the space craft and the flight plan in particular. Dr. Lea showed the picture on the left from the spaceship showing earth in the background. Everyone was very impressed at this accomplishment. You could even here people gasping as Dr. Lea showed the picture plus some flight data. Dr. Lea also let the cat out of the bag as he said we "might not be alone in our solar system". He said they had some pictures that showed what might be buildings on the surface of the sun. He said when they were sure, he would have a news briefing.

The Vircado!
Also high on the list of interests was Dr. Tommy Lea's seedless avocado known as a "vircado" "virgin + avocado". There was much interest in a trip to China to share Dr. Lea's technology and inventions. Dr. Lea was asked if he could do this with a mandarin orange? He shrugged his shoulders and said "why not?".

The other field of interest from Dr. Lea was his new solution to
foreign hackers. This was an interest to both presidents. The world renowned Dr. Lea is famous for many things and inventions; but at the heart of each of them is one thing and one thing only: simplicity!

Yes, the best inventions are simple and for them to work well, they must be simple so Dr. Lea advises.

So he presented both presidents, and there technology staff, the ultimate way to stop hacking, dead in its tracks!

Dr. Lea discussed the whole economics of hacking and why it's happening. Basically he said if someone can steal your ideas, inventions or data, it can save millions of research dollars, time, and development costs for the hackers or who they might sell the data to.

So, as the technology of the world will continue to expand, doubling every 3 months, there is no end in sight of the human invention adventure. Thus, hackers will be around for ever!

Seems reasonable to this journalist.

He continued; even with anti-hacking tools, they are always behind the curve. Just like anti-virus software is always behind the virus application by at least 7 days. In those 7 days the virus can do its thing; unimpeded.

The real solution to the problem, as Dr. Tommy Lea explained was the following... 

When you think you are being hacked... take the axe and smash your router, immediately! This will prevent any hackers from getting to your computer files or inventions. Now, you can get the axe at Harbor Freight for about $7 (made in China), so it's an extremely affordable solution, Dr. Lea explained to both presidents as all listened attentively.

"If they can't physically get to your computer... then you are safe"; Dr. Lea explained.

When asked if this approach could help with the IRS scandal, Dr.'s Lea and Albert both said yes. At this point they got up and left the summit.

Officially this never happened but then again, who knows for sure!

Dr. Albert Ph.D. Engineering

Dr. Lea Ph.D Computer Science