Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Make your Toilet Paper go farther than you thought! Grow it in your Hydroponics system!

Dr. Lea

Dr. Albert

Used toilet roll.

First off, Dr. Albert and Dr. Lea have found out how to grow your own toilet paper! 

Hidden on each and every roll is a "paper seed"! You can start with a toilet paper roll that is almost completely used as shown on the right. We are all familiar with this but did you know there is a toilet paper "seed" in every roll? Well take a look at where you will find it: 

Locate the end of the roll.

 Find the end of the roll like shown above and then peel the top corner to locate the seed as shown.

The next thing you do is to wrap this seed in a small amount of toilet paper and put into your hydroponics system as shown.. Make sure to have the "seed" in the middle of a small amount of toilet paper and stuff it into the paper roll. 

Place paper into the roll with the toilet paper seed in the middle..
Put roll into your hydroponics

Once you have the roll with the seed into your hydroponics it takes about 1 week to grow a whole new roll. As it grows just move the top of the paper to start to wrap around the tube on the outside and add a rubber band to keep the roll together. 

Each day take the rubber band off and pull more of the new toilet paper from the inside and move it around the outside of the roll until you have the size of the roll you want!

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