Monday, October 24, 2011

ok.. ok.. ok

Ok.. Ok.. Ok.. I'm blogging again! Sorry for the time off,  life got in my way.

Recent community meeting

I didn't go to the last meeting this week as I got side tracked in Indio. Phil went and said the translation machines helped but all the young kids there, not being quiet, made it so those with hearing aids couldn't hear a thing. He asked several times for it to stop but it didn't. One person even asked if child care can be paid for by the county for them during these meetings. Do you have to bring all the family to these meetings? Can't someone stay home with the kids?  Hmmm

Hank Jr.

We want to say I guess its the fact that you can't have an expressible opinion with your employer. It wasn't illegal, maybe a bit strong but ghezz ESPN. So, I'm boycotting all ESPN.


Phil brought up an article that talked about how a lot of our military electronics are breaking down and come to find out the chips are from China. Hm... In this article it talked about the chips and one line at the end about possible espionage. Wow, I would have thought that the first line in the article. What is the government thinking purchasing chips that go into our military gear from China? Would we have done that with cold war with Russia? Hm...


Dick has been keeping us up to speed on the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray. After all the hubbub Tommy Lee summed it up. He says it shows us two things: First, MJ is still dead, and Second: Dr. Murray has good taste in women!

Dog front

Well we still have our neighbor hood dogs and this morning we got a whole new pack of dogs none of us have seen. One had a collar on too but they were medium size dogs and not to friendly. I guess I'll have to get back involved with the dog scene. After all, I don't have much to do after I returned the stolen chairs from the senior center.

Chairs stolen from North Shore Senior Center, film at 11 pm

It seems that green coffee club chairs were stolen from the senior center Oct 15th. It was discovered by the house cleaning service and the president was notified of the issue. Lots of calls started to go out on Sunday to figure out what happened. There was no break in so it must be an inside job. Well.. oddly enough the chairs returned within 24 hours. It turns out they were borrowed for my party, I asked, and even had several of the senior centers board and members here for the party. They even sat on the chairs, stolen as they might have been. It is still the talk of North Shore... God forgive me for my entertainment value here in NS.

God bless, oops.. not politically correct there... let me try that again

Big spirit in the sky... no.. no.. no.. that won't work either

Buddha or whom ever you believe in.. no... no.. no .. that can't work either I'm offending those who don't believe anything.

Ok.. all you anarchists pray, lean on, use as a coffee coaster, your anarchist cook books... God Bless.. the rest of you will find out when you get there if you were right or not... is that a wrong thing to say?


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