Monday, April 30, 2012

Dogs and cats plus a fire ball

Dogs and cats

We had a great discussion on the riverside county mandatory micro-chip program and how it might now be instituted. Turns out all dogs and cats need to have a microchip placed under their skin. We learned that state wide it costs 300 million to dispose of animals picked up by the officers. Animals need to be licensed etc and those not are picked up. Fees start for the pickup and build from there to include a microchip. Many animals, I guess, are put down if the own refuses to pay the fees. I did make some suggestions on how the state might actually save that 300 million fee but no one thought they would do it.


The fish are biting at the Salton Sea! The other night I was out on the beach and you could hear many schools of talapia up on the surface. There were thousands of them! When they get spooked the all dive under the surface making such a racket of noise, like thousands of fish splashing all at once. It was very impressive.

Big Fire Ball

When I was out on the beach later at night there was a large explosion and fire ball at the Salton Sea State Park. I did call it in and that was a real experience to talk to 911 then the sheriffs department. The fire department at north shore, who said all we have to do is call 911 and ask to talk to them, well, I can tell you that isn't true. The sheriff on the phone could but I couldn't. Anyway instead of them heading to the state park they showed up at my house looking for the fire ball. I was asked three times how did I know it was a fire ball! Really, so I told them as a kid my parents used to roast chestnuts on an open fire, so I actually have seen fire in my life and this was yellow, red and a big ball that raised up into the air. Really... Tax payer dollars at work. Anyway, I got them pointed back to the state park when I noticed that one of the engines head lights were out. I told them wow, that is really dangerous and they should keep their equipment in better shape. I just hope the other headlight doesn't go out.. 

Jeff Frost

I met this young talented man when I was security guarding out on the beach last Nov and we became friends. He comes out to the desert to make movies and I didn't really understand what they were or how talented he really is. He and his girl friend Stephanie stayed the night and I got to see the film. Here is a link to his site so you can see what a fantastic thing it is.. Make sure to go full screen and if your internet can handle it go HD and you can see the

Senator Joe

He has his 40th wedding anniversary tomorrow so I took he and his wife a bottle of white wine up for the celebration. I can't even imagine being married for that long and I think it is really wonderful to see such a commitment. Days gone by I'm sure but would love to see such a role model catch on for others. Congratulations!

 Defender sales

Summer is coming and so are vacations. Don't leave home without your defender or self defense weapon!

Enjoy and stay cool!!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

What the heck?

Secret Service

We discussed all the firing of the secret service agents who were or looked like they did stupid things. However, we did discuss that we really don't know what the truth really is. We need to see what comes out or the truth. We did all agree that if they did something illegal then they should be fired. If they compromised classified information then firing them is appropriate.  

The sex industry in 2050

 I read an article from NZ this morning that a study was done on what the sex industry would look like in 2050. Basically the sex industry would be using robots and a trip would cost you $9500 for your visit. So, I introduced the club to "real doll" and told them of my idea of having a "brothel" in Iraq with five of these types of dolls. Each start at $5200 and up so they are really different... Only those who are curious should click the link..

It's getting hot!

I installed 2" foam panels in my windows just like Phil has and boy I'm shocked at the difference it makes. Yesterday it got to just 100F and the inside with no AC was a comfortable 81F! What a difference insulation makes. Now it's a bit dark inside but the cooling savings will be worth it!

I found a really interesting website I would suggest everyone visit. Great ideas and a wonderful way to present ideas for possible investors. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Back on the air

Ok.. it's been far too long but here we go...

Discussed the highway 86 crossing at ave 66 or state route 195. You can't cross if you are on foot. Can't hitch hike either as that is against the law. So how does anyone other then motor traffic get across legally? Bikes can we think but .... hm... Cal Trans.. Help????

The North Shore Fire Station call button or door button doesn't work. They seem to think you have to call 911 to get them to answer the door. Good PR guys. I went there last Saturday to have a medical issue checked and I stood outside ringing the door bell and knocking on the door. They were there but no answer. What if someone leaves a baby at the door step, rings the bell, and then runs away? That will be a dead baby I think. Some thing is really wrong with the door bell and when brought to their attention, they said call 911. Where is it written that everyone has to have a cell phone to call a fire department to answer their door bell? Food for thought there.

Obama's birth certificate

Birth Certificate:

Today we discussed a very heated debate about Obama's birth certificate and SSN. I think the general opinion is that something is fishy but at this point what is the real point? I'm personally glad people are still looking into this and who knows what can be the outcome.


We have been seeing a rash of robberies here at desert beach and up at parkside. Mr. Stone got his 3 wheel off road bike stolen in mid day! They opened his gate, backed a truck in and rolled his motor cycle out into the truck and off they went. I was there Monday Morning for the sheriff report. Dale, who was very upset at this ended up saving the day. Later that Monday he was working on my Hummer and all of a sudden got a message in his mind to go to Reyes Market. He got in his car and drove over to the market and there was the motor cycle! He grabbed one of the guys and explained it was stolen. Just then the driver came out with a 18 pack of beer and jumped on the bike and headed out! Dale pursued him, off road into the desert but eventually lost him. He took the other guy back to his house and said someone is going to jail today if I don't get that bike back. The guys wife didn't want to see her husband go back to jail as he was out on parole. Anyway, Dale said if they bring the bike back he will pay a $300 recovery fee. He then went back to where the bike was taken from and waited. Sure enough, they showed up to get the $300! Dale took the keys and told them to take a hike. No fee for stealing the bike and get the heck out of here.... Crazy story.

Another house was broken into on Sunday Morning, I was called by the sheriff as I was a call list. The window was opened and the robber entered into the house. The alarm was going off so they left. I help to secure the house and we got some more security stuff underway for the house. It's obvious that more of these types of thing are going to happen as people leave the desert for the summer. So, we need to form a better neighborhood watch group.

Doomsday Preppers

 I started a new blog to start getting some of the doomsday preppers traffic. Preppers are those individuals that prepare for disasters and we desert rats need to sit up and take notice. I am going to organize a group of us that meet once a month to start getting a group in our community to start preparing for disasters that we might experience here in the desert. We all remember the power outage of last summer and that is just the kind of thing we need to prepare for here in the desert. No water, no power, etc is something we need as a community to organize for. Gas and generators for cooling, wood and propane for cooking, water to drink, etc. is something we should organize. Those who read this email me to to join (Pete Brusso).

 The fire department

Our fire departments front door bell has not been working for some time and we complained that we need the ability to contact them at the station without using a cell phone. One of our members headed up that effort and I'm please to announce that their front door bell now works. So if you need them, like I did and they didn't answer their door, now you can get them to help you.

Foam in the windows

I decided to take Phil's tack this year and put 2" aluminum foil foam in my windows to help with my cooling bill this year. I know intellectually that this should help but yesterday I experienced the real difference and I was very impressed at what a difference it makes. We got to 89 yesterday and my house sat at 76 all day long without any cooling.


I got my golfing site up and rocking last week as the spring golfing season is starting. For all your golfers out there please visit my site at