Saturday, April 21, 2012

What the heck?

Secret Service

We discussed all the firing of the secret service agents who were or looked like they did stupid things. However, we did discuss that we really don't know what the truth really is. We need to see what comes out or the truth. We did all agree that if they did something illegal then they should be fired. If they compromised classified information then firing them is appropriate.  

The sex industry in 2050

 I read an article from NZ this morning that a study was done on what the sex industry would look like in 2050. Basically the sex industry would be using robots and a trip would cost you $9500 for your visit. So, I introduced the club to "real doll" and told them of my idea of having a "brothel" in Iraq with five of these types of dolls. Each start at $5200 and up so they are really different... Only those who are curious should click the link..

It's getting hot!

I installed 2" foam panels in my windows just like Phil has and boy I'm shocked at the difference it makes. Yesterday it got to just 100F and the inside with no AC was a comfortable 81F! What a difference insulation makes. Now it's a bit dark inside but the cooling savings will be worth it!

I found a really interesting website I would suggest everyone visit. Great ideas and a wonderful way to present ideas for possible investors. 

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