Sunday, June 9, 2013

Dateline Salton Sea... The presidents meet Dr. Lea and Dr. Albert

President Obama and President Xi have a two day summit meeting in Palm Springs where they talked over many things but the focus was on hacking.

An official source told the North Shore College of Knowledge reporter (Tim Hidden)
that our own Dr. Tommy Lea (world renown computer scientist and inventor)  was privately called into the summit!

Picture from the sun showing the earth!
Dr. Lea's Sun 1 space vehicle
Of interest from the presidents were to get an update on Dr. Lea's successful space trip to the sun! Dr. Lea was asked about the materials used in the space craft and the flight plan in particular. Dr. Lea showed the picture on the left from the spaceship showing earth in the background. Everyone was very impressed at this accomplishment. You could even here people gasping as Dr. Lea showed the picture plus some flight data. Dr. Lea also let the cat out of the bag as he said we "might not be alone in our solar system". He said they had some pictures that showed what might be buildings on the surface of the sun. He said when they were sure, he would have a news briefing.

The Vircado!
Also high on the list of interests was Dr. Tommy Lea's seedless avocado known as a "vircado" "virgin + avocado". There was much interest in a trip to China to share Dr. Lea's technology and inventions. Dr. Lea was asked if he could do this with a mandarin orange? He shrugged his shoulders and said "why not?".

The other field of interest from Dr. Lea was his new solution to
foreign hackers. This was an interest to both presidents. The world renowned Dr. Lea is famous for many things and inventions; but at the heart of each of them is one thing and one thing only: simplicity!

Yes, the best inventions are simple and for them to work well, they must be simple so Dr. Lea advises.

So he presented both presidents, and there technology staff, the ultimate way to stop hacking, dead in its tracks!

Dr. Lea discussed the whole economics of hacking and why it's happening. Basically he said if someone can steal your ideas, inventions or data, it can save millions of research dollars, time, and development costs for the hackers or who they might sell the data to.

So, as the technology of the world will continue to expand, doubling every 3 months, there is no end in sight of the human invention adventure. Thus, hackers will be around for ever!

Seems reasonable to this journalist.

He continued; even with anti-hacking tools, they are always behind the curve. Just like anti-virus software is always behind the virus application by at least 7 days. In those 7 days the virus can do its thing; unimpeded.

The real solution to the problem, as Dr. Tommy Lea explained was the following... 

When you think you are being hacked... take the axe and smash your router, immediately! This will prevent any hackers from getting to your computer files or inventions. Now, you can get the axe at Harbor Freight for about $7 (made in China), so it's an extremely affordable solution, Dr. Lea explained to both presidents as all listened attentively.

"If they can't physically get to your computer... then you are safe"; Dr. Lea explained.

When asked if this approach could help with the IRS scandal, Dr.'s Lea and Albert both said yes. At this point they got up and left the summit.

Officially this never happened but then again, who knows for sure!

Dr. Albert Ph.D. Engineering

Dr. Lea Ph.D Computer Science

Thursday, May 23, 2013

NASA watches Dr. Lea Space Launch a space vehicle from North Shore CA!

Dateline... NASA comes to North Shore, CA!

Yes that is right. It was a big secret that was blown wide open just last week. For those who live here in North Shore CA, along the Salton Sea, the place was crawling with news vans, government vehicles and NASA scientists. For our sleepy community, it was quite the wake up call as we were descended upon by the Government. Most thought something was wrong or that some terrorist was found out... but NO.. it was all about Dr. Lea!

Up on a hidden location at Parkside, here at North Shore Ca... was a very strange look. As the sun rises over the chocolate mountains there was a very strange glare. Even for the vision impaired it was obvious that something was really different. Along with some Homeland Security Officers everyone ended up at a high desert missile launch facility!!!! 

With tracking antenna fields, command trailers, and more, Dr. Tommy Lea was in the middle of his most adventurist mission yet!  All the Homeland security people and NASA gathered at the home office of Dr. Tommy Lea... knocking on the door and causing a scene at Desert Beach, the small community that Dr. Lea has a home, so many say. 

Well, as a small community we saw hundreds of visitors at 7 AM last Monday.

"I walked out to water my garden and was meet with officers dressed in black, the press, and the Mecca Sheriffs, all looking at me with some wonder" said Ceasar Balasta. Other locals reported similar welcoming as they went about their normal morning chores. 

"I was on my way to morning coffee and saw a line of vehicles going down the road, in the opposite direction, heading to Desert Beach, as I went to the local Seniors center" reports Phil Presslate., a local who lives at Desert Beach. 

Billy Smore, who has lived in Desert Beach for over 40 years came out of his house and saw hundreds of official vehicles moving up and down the small community roads. 

A local engineer who lives in Desert Beach commented to our Dateline Team "I was going to coffee when I was stopped by officers all over the place. I decided to head back home to have coffee on the beach and watch what was going on"... says Peatrovich Papp, a local retired engineer. 

As things started to clear up, Dr. Lea continued his particular activities as it's not illegal to have a space vehicle in your possession, as advised by the local attorney, Tim Hidden, who is the general counsel for Drs Lea and Albert.

Dr. Lea, in the respect for the community and the Government, held a conference at the local Seniors Center. He told the press, who were hanging on every word, that he and Dr. Albert had made a great breakthrough in metallurgy and have invented a way to have a composite material survive extreme heat.   

Heat Killing Material by Drs Lea and Albert
Dr. Albert

As shown in the picture, Dr. Albert and Dr. Lea showed their revolutionary material that can withstand the heat of the sun! Along with displays of data, pictures, and actually material, they showed all those NASA scientists how they are going to achieve their mission!

What is that mission? They are going to launch and did, a mission to the sun! 

Yes a manned mission to the sun itself! The holy grail of missions that no other nation could do or would even try! 

Yes, that is what they said.. the Sun!!! A manned mission to the sun! How can they do this. Well by using this material fused with other composite materials can actually and totally withstand the heat of the sun. Dr. Lea was quoted as saying "if this heat resistance material can do what our research has shown... can you imagine what we might do in the Nuclear industry?" A gasp was heard from the press corps. 

Military dignitaries moved out of range and got on the cell phone. A noisy press meeting developed... When Dr. Lea said the launch of the space vehicle "Sun 1" was in the last minute of count down. As everyone ran out of the building and pointed their cameras on long distance setting... a loud sound was heard...

Here is what everyone saw... The rumble was heard all the way back to Palm Springs Ca. and the North American Military Tracking Center watched as Dr. Lea's and Dr. Albert's space vehicle gained speed and altitude

Sun 1 as launched by Dr. Lea

As Sun 1 lifted off from the secret launching site located at Parkside, the manned mission was headed up by Buddy Willgraph and four other team members. Nicknames were all that was available: on the mission was Danny, Sammie, and "Popeye the sailor man" were some of the names mentioned.  

The Russians were tracking the craft on it's way to the sun... an international event which started here from the Salton Sea CA, Desert Beach and North Shore CA!

Dr. Lea explained that the real secret was going to the sun when it was night time! A hush descended upon everyone as Dr. Lea gathered his notes and walked out.

Dr. Lea Astrophysics and Space Expert

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Top 5 Tools to Keep in Your Trunk

Well.. us in the desert would add more things, but this is a good start as we are heading into the summer. What might we add?

  1. Water
  2. Water
  3. Water
  4. Breast Milk in a cooler haha
  5. a cooler
  6. gloves
  7. sun unbrella
  8. snacks... none perishable
  9. blanket for shade or to put on the ground to repair things
  10. Make sure your spare is ok too!

The Top 5 Tools to Keep in Your Trunk

Friday, April 19, 2013

Breast milk comes to NSCOK!

Well that blue milk is actually breast milk for our coffee. It's the newest craze in LA and San Diego. So why not here at North Shore?

I got this sample from a rep of the LA company, yesterday at a Indio chamber event. So, how did it go over at the club? Only myself and Tim had the balls to drink it. It was surprisingly good in coffee. The others acted like I had the Plague in a cup. As I moved it toward them they backed away from the coffee table. Well, it was a nice try.   I think I will introduce this product to the Seniors too, just have some in the only fridge that is working since we were hit by "metal men". I will keep all updated as things roll out here with our breast milk frappuccino.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

OK.. Obama care and the Coachella Valley

I don't think any of us can qualify for this. So, now they don't get Obama care and what do we do? A broke state and county?... read on... I can't believe this at all... (Built at the cost of $2,856,887 from county redevelopment funds, (TAX PAYERS)...WTF.. and So I think we all should go down there and sign up... after all we are at least 1/32 something other than Caucasian.. right?

INDIO – The Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine now operates from a new clinic built by Riverside County to serve patients who cannot afford health insurance and do not receive medical care through government programs. An estimated 60,000 men and women in the Coachella Valley meet that standard and can now receive services, free of charge, at the clinic.

Supervisor John J. Benoit is welcoming the public to celebrate the ribbon cutting of the clinic at 11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 4 at 82-915 Avenue 48 in Indio.

“Riverside County is tremendously proud of building this beautiful clinic which is specially suited for the Volunteers in Medicine to fill a gap in medical care in our region,” said Supervisor John J. Benoit. “Our unique partnership has allowed the county and this chapter of the national organization to accomplish what neither could do alone.”

“This building represents an important new chapter in the Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine story,” said Bruce Yeager, executive director of the Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine. “The founders, staff, volunteers and patients are sincerely grateful to the county for providing us with this remarkable facility. It will serve this community well.”

The Volunteers in Medicine is staffed by approximately 50 volunteer retirees and active practitioners in the medical and administrative field. The clinic offers women’s services, dental services and general medical services free of charge to uninsured patients who are ineligible for county, state or federal government programs.

(Illegal Aliens?) Oh.. un documented workers?... WTF

Riverside County has entered into a 20-year lease with the Volunteers in Medicine to operate the facility. Patient volume is expected to surpass 6,000 visits this year.

Built at the cost of $2,856,887 from county redevelopment funds, the 6,133-square-foot clinic is double the size of the previous, temporary office at 81-880 Dr. Carreon Blvd. Energy-efficient lighting and design may earn the facility a level of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification.

Operational support for the Volunteers in Medicine has come from JFK Memorial Hospital, Eisenhower Medical Center and Desert Regional Medical Center, with additional financial support from the Coeta and Donald Barker Foundation, the California Wellness Foundation, the Desert Healthcare District, the Foley Foundation, the City of Indio, Indio Sunrise Rotary, Kaiser Permanente Community Benefits, Starbucks Partner Giving Program and various individual donors. Donations can be made directly via
Light refreshments and tours of the clinic will be provided. Attendees should RSVP to or call 951-955-0757.

To volunteer, support the Volunteers in Medicine or to see if you qualify for services and make an appointment, please call 760-342-4414.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Expensive coffee at North Shore College of Knowledge

I'm thinking we might do the same thing at the coffee club... All dems and libs get charged $20 for a cup of coffee where we conservatives, rednecks, and Doctor types get it free!... read below for evidence of such actions...


A juice and smoothie bar owner in Utah is charging liberals an extra dollar for drinks.
George Burnett, owner of I Love Drilling Juice & Smoothie Bar, says he's trying to make a point about fiscal responsibility.

“We have a fiscal problem in this country. We’ve got to deal with it or we don’t have a country, so to kind of help make that point, just a little bit, I charge liberals just a little bit more. Really what I’m focused on is the fiscal differences between big government/small government and liberal ways, as far as entitlements and spending,” said Burnett, in a report.

Burnett says the extra money will go to support the conservative Washngton-based think tank, The Heritage Foundation.

Burnett, also a pro-oil and gas activist, plainly lists prices for his drinks, with colorful names like Drakes Well, Oil Creek and Old American. Conservatives: $4.95, Liberals: $5.95, and Crew Team Members: $3.95.

Not all are finding his "liberal tax" sweet tasting.  Some have criticized the move on Facebook saying it is "pathetic" and "offensive."  One user, Justin Olson, wrote: “If you own a business, you don’t insult half of your potential customers. That’s Econ 101.”
But many don't appear to mind the extra charge.

Another user Splinter Baker wrote: "I LOVE what you're doing! Never back down! keep it up!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Chicago nonprofit to give $100G in scholarships to ROTC students in US illegally Read more:

Mayor Rahm Emanuel has announced $100,000 in scholarship money for Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps students who are living in the country without legal permission.

The Chicago mayor said Saturday that the money comes from a share of the $275,000 in privately raised donations to the Illinois DREAM Fund.

The Illinois DREAM Fund Scholarship Committee also announced that its application deadline has been extended to March 1.

The Illinois Dream Fund is a non-profit organization using private money to award scholarships to illegal immigrants or those who were brought to the United States as children by parents who entered the country illegally.

Emanuel says the scholarship money will help ensure they "have access to a higher education and a bright future."

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dr. Lea finds home solution that revolutionizes...

Microwave bread zapper

Attention, bread shoppers: A Texas company could have the answer to some consumers' unwelcome discovery that just-purchased loaves contain mold.

MicroZap Inc. claims its technology allows bread to stay mold-free for 60 days. The bread is bombarded with microwaves for about 10 seconds, which kills the mold spores, said chief executive officer Don Stull said.

The process could eliminate bakers' need for preservatives and ingredients used to mask preservatives' flavor, as well as reduce food waste and increase bread's shelf life, he said.
Researchers at Texas Tech University also see using the technology in bread made in developing countries, where there are fewer food safety standards and spoilage is a problem.

"It could help us provide an abundant food source for those in need," said Mindy Brashear, director of the Lubbock university's Center for Food Industry Excellence. The prospect of helping people in developing countries is what motivated the microbiology professor to help develop the technology over the last eight years.
After 60 days, researchers found the treated bread that remained packaged had the same mold content when compared to a freshly baked loaf, Stull said. In the end, though, he knows it comes down to consumers' palates.

"The consumers saw no discernible quality difference in the breads," Stull said of testers who found the treated bread's taste and texture unchanged.

World Renown Dr. Tommy Lea

 Enter the world renown Dr. Tommy Lea who took this basic discovery to the next level. He discovered that you can replicate this type of spore killing Microwave energy in a homegrown solution.

Dr. Lea took a close look at the patent on this machine and found that merely by putting a turntable in a common microwave you can simulate this exact result. However the uneven heating of the bread, as pointed out in the main article, was still a bit of a concern so Dr. Lea added a microwave resistor to help even the electric field out across the loaf of bread. Here is a picture of his simple solution that allows the lifetime of your bread to be expanded significantly.

Simple turn table to evenly rotate microwave energy across the bread
Shot of bread and home microwave set up

Microwave resister to flatten microwave field
This simple technique and solution for the extension of usable life for your bread can extend your consumables significantly. The doctor also pointed out that by replacing the water with other liquid substances you can get various flavorful results. He suggests paps blue ribbon beer or the like.

Once he thoroughly understood the groundbreaking home solution he then took this concept of microwave cleansing to the next level. Purchasing a small microwave oven, he had his technicians disassemble the unit. He studied the particular frequencies and modulations which he then constructed a test bed to explore the various results on living products. He then realized if he can kill mold spores that he also might be able to eradicate bacteria on the surface of meat. He did successfully accomplish this and extended the length of raw meat several fold. However his ultimate direction was to save water.

Here in the desert, of North Shore California, we are always conserving water and that is foremost on our minds. Dr. Lea realized that if he could sterilize the surface of your body, you would not have to take showers for many weeks on end. There would be no smell or odor whatsoever because the bacteria that produce such were dead. Following this type of approach he needed a simple mechanism such that humans would not be fearful of using his new invention.

Microwave magnet

Microwave hooked into electric blanket
 Coupling the microwave parts and connecting them to a patent pending fields and wave changer that Dr. Lea has invented he then promptly connected his proprietary machine directly into a modified electric blanket. Not only does the blanket provide warmth but it also now kills off all surface bacteria which causes bodily odors.

Dr. Lea points out that even during the summer that you can use the electric blanket for only five minutes a night and create the same lasting results which turn out to be you may never have to take a shower again. If you use this device on a daily basis you will save a ton of water each year explains Dr. Lea. However, on the other hand if you use it only once you can literally go weeks before the bacteria grow back and you either need to take a shower or use the electric blanket again.

NASA is very interested in this device for extended space travel and have made an appointment to come see a personal demonstration later this month.

Given the fact that Northshore California also is home of the Salton Sea recreational State Park, Dr. Lee was asked to discuss his new invention for the many recreational vehicles that pass this way.

Rv-ers came from all around to attend Dr. Lea's microwave electric blanket demonstration

 The recreational vehicles came from all over the United States to witness this phenomenal new product that not only can extend your food substances but also allow you to save water by not taking a shower. Dr. Lea also showed what not to do and that is to attempt to connect your microwave oven directly into your electric blanket, without his patented converter. Above is a picture of all of the recreational vehicles in a parking lot close to Dr. Lea's secret Laboratory located in Parkside community, which is a part of North Shore California.

Do Not connect directly to your microwave oven!

 Dr. Lea also demonstrated what happens if you attempt to connect your microwave oven directly into your electric blanket as shown here on the left. He wanted to impress upon all the viewers that you definitely need his patented, field flattening device.

 Most of the news organizations were in attendance of the demonstration and one of the more prominent figures of the CCN was just flabbergasted at the phenomenal results from this new device. He even volunteered to do five minutes in a electric blanket, and the results were a bit mixed, as with most reporters you can't get the smell out of them. But Dr. Lea's patented electric blanket did in fact have some good results even with smelly reporters.

Dr. Lea is also stepping up for production of this particular unit here in the north shore California area which will help to stimulate our economy and get people back to work. Extending your food sources and purifying your body plus saving water, Dr. Lee says "does it get better than this?".

On yet another note, Dr. Lea performed a double blind study of couples have sex under his "microwave blanket" and 78% of the participants (males on top) became multi-orgasmic where they were not before. The real problem here, as Dr. Lea states, is that those males didn't want to get out of the bed. Thus, this would lead to work place/life balance issues. Dr. Lea explained that he has every male that purchases one of his "microwave blankets" sign a waiver of responsibility. He said it was like the Cialis commercials stating see a physician for an erection lasting over four hours.   

For more information please contact this blog and you will be pointed in the right direction.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Dr. Lea Feedback

I just got this email from the blog on Dr. Tommy Lea... Interesting to say the least..

Dr T Lea,
I wanted to take a moment and thank you for making me smile. Your contributions to the scientific community have always amazed me. I would live to know if you have published works that one could access.

I cant tell you how deeply connected I feel to you after learning more about you. I have always been attracted to a man who is intelligent and able to express themselves. I really hope to hear back from you and learn more about you.

Dolly Harper

So, you can see people are reading our blog and the exploits of Dr. Tommy Lea...

Dr. Lea discovers Salty

Salty... the monster in the Salton Sea

Well, Dr. Lea does it again! We have heard that the Salton Sea has a monster in it and Dr. Lea has proof now that it's not a monster but rather something from the past! This monster is known, just recently as fossils were found in Nevada in 1997, it's called Thalattoarchon saurphagis. Dr. Lea, a well renown paleontologist told a news briefing crew at the North Shore College of Knowledge that this monster, in the past was 30 feet long, air breathing and equipped with a mouth full of sharp teeth with cutting edges on them. Scary to be sure but Dr. Lea says what he found in the Salton Sea is a miniature version of this close cousin.   

This enormous marine predator did in fact lurk in the Triassic seas, which covered Nevada millions of years ago. He assured the news that this Triassic sea was not created by global warming and thus we don't have to be concerned about a return of the sea, at least in the near future. Dr. Lea explained that this monster emerged soon after the catastrophic resetting of life on earth which suggest the marine ecosystem rebounded quicker then the terrestrial ecosystem, Dr. Lea reports. This monster had five inch long teeth too! It was a four finned "icthyosaur" it resided at the top of the food chain much like today's great white shark.

The Salton Sea version is much smaller and has extremely small teeth as it feeds on Tilapia fish commonly found in the Salton Sea. Dr. Lea has not only taken pictures of this smaller cousin but also has one in his large fish tank located at his hidden laboratory located somewhere in Parkside which is an area of North Shore CA.

Here you can see Salty in the hidden aquarium

Here you see one of the specimens of the Salty in the aquarium at Dr. Lea's hidden laboratory and it has been alive for at least 4 months. Although it does continue to feed on his tropical fish but he has imported Tilapia fish for feeding time. Dr. Albert actually got bit by Salty and had to report to JFK medical center for stitches, so Dr. Lea's staff reported recently. Is it safe to swim in the Salton Sea with this creature? Dr. Lea assures us that it is completely safe as Salty prefers Talipia over human consumption. However, this would not have been true in the Triassic Sea and he points out that no human was ever in the food chain of this monster. Therefore, it is completely safe to boat, swim, or do other recreational activities at the Salton Sea which are legal and for public consumption. Sex in the water might be the only exception to this thinking, Dr. Lea points out. He does suggest you get a bar code on your private parts as a precaution because if you where in this situation and had body parts bit off, then if found they could be reattached surgically. Salty's name might need to be changed to something close to Lorana Bobbit or the like. The readers might recall she cut off her mans, shall we say, manhood and thus the reference to sex in the Salton Sea if it got bit off. 

World renown paleontologist Dr.Tommy Lea

Now if this were to be more wide spread at the Salton Sea, Dr. Lea has made a lure which flops, bobs, and acts just like a bit off body part. Therefore fishermen can really take advantage of the horrible situation, if that were to occur. These lures are very life like, and comes in a vibration option, which can be deployed if fishing becomes slow or non existent. Passing the time this way could be a very interesting facet of modern day fishing. Dr. Lea is also considering jelly type lures what come in various hot colors. Please request his catalog of these new fishing lures as they become more available and the monster "Salty" becomes more of a game fish.

Dr. Lea is considering a fishing derby in the near future which will assist his research into this monster fish. Anyone wanting to join the fishing derby can contact Dr. Lea's staff via this blog. Otherwise, we will post the derby pictures and results here in the near future. 

For any information please contact NSCOK through this blogsite.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dateline Jan 9, 2013 Coachella California

Dateline Jan 9, 2013 Coachella California

Breaking News......

A major break through which has corrected a Godly mistake, has been performed by the famed Botanical legend Dr. Tommy Lea has produced a commercially available "Seedless Avocado"! Yes, the holy grail in the horticulture effort to produce a "Seedless Avocado" has been accomplished by the famed Botanist Dr. Lea from the Salton Sea.

Dr. Tommy Lea... world renown scientist

"If you can get the seedless avocado to be larger or at least as large as the commercially grown HAAS avocado then you have a winner in many ways. Fighting hunger and producing more Guacamole can save lives and produce a culinary revolution.

Seedless Avocado from Dr. Lea

As you can see this is a fully mature avocado and it tastes fantastic. God has made things one way, and I think we can all agree that when he/she made the avocado he/she blew it as he/she made the pit too big! So, not to be intimidated Dr. Lea set forth, after his research in to sub zero absolute temperature break through which will cool or heat the desert thus making it a virtual paradise, he needed to make the break through with food production. "After all what good is paradise if you have noting to grow in it?" Dr. Lea said at a recent news briefing. During this news briefing held at the North Shore College of Knowledge, he called upon a colleague Dr. Albert to show the basic tree and the break through of the "physics" behind this revolution.

Dr. Albert talking at the NSCOK about the seedless vircado trees

The basic problem comes from the seed itself Dr. Lea explains. In a normal avocado fruit all the nutrients move from the outside skin region to the seed itself. Makes sense when you think of it but you need to "fool" the fruit into thinking that the seed is actually the other side of the skin. Here is a series of lab pictures which shows his fabulous research...

Normal Seed heading for Seedless existence via Dr. Lea's method

As you can see the seed is there but shrinking as the fruit matures. This is accomplished by high, oscillating magnetic fields of one pole first then the next. This technique was first pioneered by Dr. Lea to heal broken bones faster (he put electromagnets opposite the bone in casts and found that he could heal bones in half the time of a regular cast and procedure). He used this similar technique to "fool" the fruit and shrink the seed such that the "meat" continued to fill in where the seed once was. The major issue was the small size of the fruit and this was "fixed" by the basic sub zero plasma quantum gas he designed earlier.

Oh my God look at the size of these Vircados! Turn your head and cough please..

As you can see the size of these seedless avocados are everything the seeded versions are. Flavor you might ask? Are they as good? Well, Dr. Lea will put his Seedless Avocado, known now as "vircados" (virgin avocados), in a blind taste test with Hispanic illegals, who should know best, his seedless avocados won hands down.

Leo Medina of the Hispanic fruit pickers association of Coachella Valley, who has been working with Dr.s Lea and Dr.s Albert, was very excited about what this fruit will do for the Mexican Cooking industry. "Imagine the amount of what lower cost, wholesome guacamole will do to the industry!" said senior Medina. Senior Medina is well known not only in the culinary industry of Hispanics but also a great DJ of Hispanic music. Who better to understand this fantastic break through. Senior Medina has even started a "vircado" ice cream that many just love to lick! There is a line out the door of his business to get a cone of the smooth, creamy, vircado ice cream. He even provides DJ music for those waiting in line for this creamy delicacy. All new to the Coachella Valley and more road side stands are popping up all over the valley serving vircado ice cream. 

Eat the Vircados right out of the skin... Naked style!

Dr. Tommy Lea is working with a "margarita infused vircado"! He has found a way to actually have the fruit produce alcohol! He started this fantastic breakthrough with his limes (next story break through we hear) but this vircado can come in flavors. He plans to market his "virgin margarita cado"... next summer just in time to see his sub zero quantum cooling machines do their thing (cooling the desert down in the summer and warming it in the winter!). Fantastic breakthroughs continue to come from this Renaissance scientist "Dr. Tommy Lea". What other fantastic breakthoughs will be coming from this elusive scientist who resides in the Salton Sea area of California?

BIO: Dr. Tommy Lea has multiple PhD's in archeology, paleontology, physics, husbandry, horticulture, non linear mathematics, nano machine development, and Euclidean chemistry.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Sub Zero Quantum Works Disclosed at the Salton Sea CA

Temperature Studies at the Salton Sea
Here at North Shore college of knowledge, we have had our own world renown scientist Dr. Tommy Lea, who has lead many teams of scientists on the search for, and pressing the edges of science, and now has pushed his "bleeding edge" science efforts into the world of sub absolute zero adventures.

All the while MIT physicists push forward with a sub zero gas study, and Dr. Lea admits they are on the right track, he has pushed back even farther then they have.

In his secret laboratory located at the once famous Salton Sea, where many new discoveries are coming out each week, Dr. Lea shares his insight into the sub zero world and not using the "absolute" alcohol either. Well, he does use it as a sort of "dye" laser as he uses the "absolute" alcohol in a pumped dye laser because as we all know absolute vodka will not freeze, even at sub zero temps; as Dr. Lea points out. He does "pulse" the absolute vodka dye laser at 1200 Hz to 1850 Hz to get the correct frequency for his quantum gas structure. He has found that at these input frequencies he can attain a more stable gas structure as it approaches absolute zero temps of (negative 459.67 degrees F).

In his ground breaking or pushing the limits of others studies; and he admits they are off a bit on their approach, Dr. Lea has not only shown plus measured his gas mixture (sub zero quantum gas mimics "dark energy" found in the universe) and Dr. Lea made the suggestion that other fields of science might be interested in this experiment too!) that sub zero quantum states can be achieved using an absolute vodka dye laser ringed with high magnetic fields to for a lattice of stable atoms. Shown below is a sample of the stable quantum gas atoms prior to heading toward and beyond absolute zero.

Dr. Lea shows stable atom lattice as it approaches sub zero temps

Dr. Tommy Lea Sub Zero Researcher Expert
Here is a rare picture of Dr. Lea as he visited the North Shore College of Knowledge, recently, and he disclosed his findings of the sub zero quantum research he has been doing but he says this is only the start. As he points out most others are going down the wrong path with their thinking. Dr. Lea meet with a large group of news and related groups in his rare press conference today. He unveiled his plans to actually use this sub absolute zero work on a machine which will cool down the desert during the summer and thus make it into an oasis for growing food crops.

Dr. Tommy Lea will use existing windmills to cool the desert!

Dr. Lea points out that by using the existing windmills he can add the sub zero quantum gas in small jets which would exit the spinning blades. The blades would work much like an ordinary house fan which can cool a house but using this quantum gas it would super chill the air and push out almost like a quantum gas into the surrounding desert thus cooling the desert to a comfortable 80 degrees year around. With little change in the operation of the wind mills, which will still produce electricity, they can air condition the desert for both summer and winter. "It will make the desert the best place to live on the planet; even better then Hawaii!" so Dr. Lea says.

When asked what is next area of discoveries he would only mention that as a result of changing the climate of the desert he said he loves avocados and is working on some revolutionary plant mixtures that will feed more people with less waste. Everyone who listened to Dr. Lea hung on every word he said and it is obvious that he has many more inventions, adventures, and science to lead us through in the next few months.

The dean of the North Shore College of Knowledge, Dr. Schall said he welcomes Dr. Lea and his adventures into the College. It is rumored that Dr. Lea will have coffee with us from time to time. Dr. Lea will lecture us on a periodic basis as his busy schedule will allow.

The Dean of the North Shore College of Knowledge
For any press release information or schedule for the North Shore College of Knowledge lecture series, please contact Peter Brusso at