Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dateline Jan 9, 2013 Coachella California

Dateline Jan 9, 2013 Coachella California

Breaking News......

A major break through which has corrected a Godly mistake, has been performed by the famed Botanical legend Dr. Tommy Lea has produced a commercially available "Seedless Avocado"! Yes, the holy grail in the horticulture effort to produce a "Seedless Avocado" has been accomplished by the famed Botanist Dr. Lea from the Salton Sea.

Dr. Tommy Lea... world renown scientist

"If you can get the seedless avocado to be larger or at least as large as the commercially grown HAAS avocado then you have a winner in many ways. Fighting hunger and producing more Guacamole can save lives and produce a culinary revolution.

Seedless Avocado from Dr. Lea

As you can see this is a fully mature avocado and it tastes fantastic. God has made things one way, and I think we can all agree that when he/she made the avocado he/she blew it as he/she made the pit too big! So, not to be intimidated Dr. Lea set forth, after his research in to sub zero absolute temperature break through which will cool or heat the desert thus making it a virtual paradise, he needed to make the break through with food production. "After all what good is paradise if you have noting to grow in it?" Dr. Lea said at a recent news briefing. During this news briefing held at the North Shore College of Knowledge, he called upon a colleague Dr. Albert to show the basic tree and the break through of the "physics" behind this revolution.

Dr. Albert talking at the NSCOK about the seedless vircado trees

The basic problem comes from the seed itself Dr. Lea explains. In a normal avocado fruit all the nutrients move from the outside skin region to the seed itself. Makes sense when you think of it but you need to "fool" the fruit into thinking that the seed is actually the other side of the skin. Here is a series of lab pictures which shows his fabulous research...

Normal Seed heading for Seedless existence via Dr. Lea's method

As you can see the seed is there but shrinking as the fruit matures. This is accomplished by high, oscillating magnetic fields of one pole first then the next. This technique was first pioneered by Dr. Lea to heal broken bones faster (he put electromagnets opposite the bone in casts and found that he could heal bones in half the time of a regular cast and procedure). He used this similar technique to "fool" the fruit and shrink the seed such that the "meat" continued to fill in where the seed once was. The major issue was the small size of the fruit and this was "fixed" by the basic sub zero plasma quantum gas he designed earlier.

Oh my God look at the size of these Vircados! Turn your head and cough please..

As you can see the size of these seedless avocados are everything the seeded versions are. Flavor you might ask? Are they as good? Well, Dr. Lea will put his Seedless Avocado, known now as "vircados" (virgin avocados), in a blind taste test with Hispanic illegals, who should know best, his seedless avocados won hands down.

Leo Medina of the Hispanic fruit pickers association of Coachella Valley, who has been working with Dr.s Lea and Dr.s Albert, was very excited about what this fruit will do for the Mexican Cooking industry. "Imagine the amount of what lower cost, wholesome guacamole will do to the industry!" said senior Medina. Senior Medina is well known not only in the culinary industry of Hispanics but also a great DJ of Hispanic music. Who better to understand this fantastic break through. Senior Medina has even started a "vircado" ice cream that many just love to lick! There is a line out the door of his business to get a cone of the smooth, creamy, vircado ice cream. He even provides DJ music for those waiting in line for this creamy delicacy. All new to the Coachella Valley and more road side stands are popping up all over the valley serving vircado ice cream. 

Eat the Vircados right out of the skin... Naked style!

Dr. Tommy Lea is working with a "margarita infused vircado"! He has found a way to actually have the fruit produce alcohol! He started this fantastic breakthrough with his limes (next story break through we hear) but this vircado can come in flavors. He plans to market his "virgin margarita cado"... next summer just in time to see his sub zero quantum cooling machines do their thing (cooling the desert down in the summer and warming it in the winter!). Fantastic breakthroughs continue to come from this Renaissance scientist "Dr. Tommy Lea". What other fantastic breakthoughs will be coming from this elusive scientist who resides in the Salton Sea area of California?

BIO: Dr. Tommy Lea has multiple PhD's in archeology, paleontology, physics, husbandry, horticulture, non linear mathematics, nano machine development, and Euclidean chemistry.



  1. Who can I speak to about getting this variety?

    1. John... I sent you an email about the study in Israel. I hope this helps.
