Saturday, March 21, 2015

We got a scoop!

One of our new reporters just got a great scoop that is being sent out as a press release! Here is the story!

And both Dr. Lea and Dr. Albert know this family!!!!

Child 10 years old knocks out would be child kidnapper


For immediate release.

Ray, the father explains what happened: “We went for a Sunday drive and had a flat tire. As my wife and I were in the back of the vehicle trying to figure out how to lower the spare tire, our three children Carolyn (10), Jacky (6), and little Bobby (2) (in his car seat) were in the back seat, this guy came and opened the back passenger side door and tried to grab little Bobby. What happen next was crazy!

Carolyn grabbed our recently purchase defender self defense tool and hit the guy in the head! And he just went limp, then slid out of the car onto the ground like a dead fish! Blood was flowing from his head and we called the police. Once they got there, and EMS too they found a huge “puncture” in his head from which it resulted in knocking the would be child thief unconscious!”

Ray’s wife Kathy continued “we couldn’t understand the amount of damage the defender did until we realized that little Carolyn used the “pointed tip end” to “bonk” the attacker in the head thus resulting is saving her little brother.”

Even though the defender self defense tool is a nonlethal tool, as seen in the movie the men who stare at goats, this tool can do far more damage when used the way little Carolyn did!” the mother commented to the police.

When we contacted the makers of the defender self defense tool at for comment, they assured us that the tool is meant for non-lethal self-protection but it can truly stop attackers dead in their tracks. They said it also doesn’t matter how young or old you are; the tool simply works and they were ecstatic that young Carolyn had saved her little brothers life with just a single strike.

We asked the father how little Carolyn knew how to use the defender self defense tool. His response was “we just got our defender the night before and Kathy and I were watching the video and practicing the moves. The kids were playing in the front room where we were watching the video and she must have just watched that one technique! She pulled it off without a hitch too!”

When asked how it was in the car Ray said “we put in the seat pocket behind the driver’s seat to use and work with later, actually it was a complete after thought to take it with us for our drive but I’m really glad I did. It was right in front of Carolyn as the attacker opened little Bobbies door, so she just reached in and while the guy was fussing with the car seat latch, Carolyn let him have it. We didn’t even notice anything was wrong until we heard the sound like something hitting a watermelon “bonk” and looked up to see this guy sliding out of the back of the car onto the ground!”

The name of the family is withheld to keep the children  anonymous but you can reach the defender website for further details.


Filed by North Shore College of Knowledge reporter. For more information contact Peter Brusso





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