Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dr's Lea and Albert genetically engineer a Crook trapping plant!

North Shore California, near Mecca Ca... history has been made!
The famous Doctor Lea and Doctor Albert have had enough of the crooks, armed robberies, stolen vehicles and such. They put their minds at work and went into the laboratory! They studied the criminal minds and more importantly the olfactory lobes (smell) of the criminal mind.
We had two horrible things happen our here with these two individuals which started doctors Lea and doctors Albert thinking about how to stop this...
Link here for the story
What they came up with was stunning and a bit of a revolutionary in the crime hunting world.
They figured out “HOW” criminals decided to do their next criminal deed. Dr. Lea explains, “It’s really quiet simple, really… criminals smell money first and the need for it second… then they go figure out where the smell is coming from…. and as they say the rest is history.”
It seems to fit; as criminals have this overwhelming smell of money and they need to go get some. That is the first step in this crime solving problem… Dr. Lea explained

After about a week both Doctor Lea and Doctor Albert working on this.. they hit on how to lower the crime rate in any neighborhood. What they did was nothing short of genius but we wouldn’t expect less from these two doctors! Here is the story:
First they got their hands on a Amorphophallus titanum which is that large tropical flower that reaches almost 10 foot tall. Well it’s a plant but you know what I mean. So they took samples into
Standard Titanum from which they started their gene research.

The first gene manipulated Titanum
their botanical lab, with a gene sequencer they decoded the genes. Then they went to work on changing this plant; as it only blooms one day a year and stinks like a rotting corpse (that just won't work Dr. Albert said). They both knew that that wouldn't attract a crook, robber or thief!
So first they sent out to make it bloom every day! They got very close as that their genetic hybrid blooms 360 days a year…. Close for sure.
Next the smell. They did some Flame Gas chromatography to determine the “smell of money”. Once they understood the molecular makeup of the smell of money, back to the genes!
Doctor Lea and Doctor Albert's Botanical lab...
If you look closely you can see Dr. Albert in the
back left of the lab!
Next they did their gene splicing and direct replacement on the gene to produce the next  hybrid which blooms 360 days of the year and smells like money!
Now be it will only work for American currency but it’s a start.  So to recap they now have a 10 foot bloom that smells like money! This will certainly attract the kind of criminals they want to take off the streets!
Next, to gene splice and understand the Venus fly trap!
Once done, simple enough Dr. Albert explains “Getting into the “nickers” of Venus fly trap should be easy but you have to remember they EAT MEAT! And we are meat to them… so caution if you should try this at home” he warns.
Once that was done… supersize is necessary.
The "Sugars Crook" plant which traps crooks via the smell of money!
Doctor Lea explains that you have to remember that the scientific method is one step and a time, then look at your results.
We supersized our first Venus fly trap and we had one problem… it almost eat my little dog “sugar” as show here in the picture but in reality it showed us what we needed to see… that it might trap a human too!
"It almost eat my little dog Sugar!" Dr. Lea explains!
Sugar wasn’t harmed in any way we want to assure you but it did take us about 10 minutes to free her up without damage to the plant or Sugar. You also have to remember that Venus fly trap takes a week to digest it’s catch so Sugar was in little risk of anything…
She is doing fine now. So much so here is a picture of her in the flowers outside of Dr. Lea’s house.
Little Sugar playing in the flowers after her experience in with her name sake!
Next was to graft the large Venus fly trap arms onto the Titanum which went superbly.  
We grew more than one of these bad boys which we call “Sugars crooks” and out across the neighborhood they went.
It was spectacular because these we caught 15 criminals in the first night. We did so well that the North Shore Sheriff Dept had their own paddy wagon out here just collecting criminals!
North Shore Sheriff Paddy Wagon for Dr. Lea's "Catch a crook night"!
Now, this worked so well the Sheriff department wants to put these on some type of mobile platform, which Doctor Lea has been hired to design, and move it around southern California.
We even had a visit from the “crimes unit of the FBI” last week… looking at what we are doing.
The justice department is even looking at it and Doctor Albert made sure to point out the “multicolor” nature of the hybrid plant. And, also noted that it contains both male and female parts so not war on sex here or race for that matter.
We are bit concerned that if the plant “Sugars Crook” becomes gender confused it might eat itself; which doctor Lea said we shouldn’t let people under 18 years old watch such a spectacle.  
It might “bend” them for life so we are now developing a visual shield that could be put over a “Sugars Crook” gone wildly wrong just like kids on spring break!
Dr. Lea resting after his great crime breaking adventure with his little dog Sugar. If you look closely in the background you can see the paddy wagon still on site.
Dr. Albert relaxing after the "Sugars Crook" work where he lead at least 15 Ph.D's in the ground breaking genome research!
For any media info please contact Dr. Peter Brusso, yes that guy from the Men Who Stare at Goats movie and recently on the American Heros Channel, show Codes and Conspiracies "Experimental Soldiers" ( at

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