Monday, October 24, 2011

ok.. ok.. ok

Ok.. Ok.. Ok.. I'm blogging again! Sorry for the time off,  life got in my way.

Recent community meeting

I didn't go to the last meeting this week as I got side tracked in Indio. Phil went and said the translation machines helped but all the young kids there, not being quiet, made it so those with hearing aids couldn't hear a thing. He asked several times for it to stop but it didn't. One person even asked if child care can be paid for by the county for them during these meetings. Do you have to bring all the family to these meetings? Can't someone stay home with the kids?  Hmmm

Hank Jr.

We want to say I guess its the fact that you can't have an expressible opinion with your employer. It wasn't illegal, maybe a bit strong but ghezz ESPN. So, I'm boycotting all ESPN.


Phil brought up an article that talked about how a lot of our military electronics are breaking down and come to find out the chips are from China. Hm... In this article it talked about the chips and one line at the end about possible espionage. Wow, I would have thought that the first line in the article. What is the government thinking purchasing chips that go into our military gear from China? Would we have done that with cold war with Russia? Hm...


Dick has been keeping us up to speed on the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray. After all the hubbub Tommy Lee summed it up. He says it shows us two things: First, MJ is still dead, and Second: Dr. Murray has good taste in women!

Dog front

Well we still have our neighbor hood dogs and this morning we got a whole new pack of dogs none of us have seen. One had a collar on too but they were medium size dogs and not to friendly. I guess I'll have to get back involved with the dog scene. After all, I don't have much to do after I returned the stolen chairs from the senior center.

Chairs stolen from North Shore Senior Center, film at 11 pm

It seems that green coffee club chairs were stolen from the senior center Oct 15th. It was discovered by the house cleaning service and the president was notified of the issue. Lots of calls started to go out on Sunday to figure out what happened. There was no break in so it must be an inside job. Well.. oddly enough the chairs returned within 24 hours. It turns out they were borrowed for my party, I asked, and even had several of the senior centers board and members here for the party. They even sat on the chairs, stolen as they might have been. It is still the talk of North Shore... God forgive me for my entertainment value here in NS.

God bless, oops.. not politically correct there... let me try that again

Big spirit in the sky... no.. no.. no.. that won't work either

Buddha or whom ever you believe in.. no... no.. no .. that can't work either I'm offending those who don't believe anything.

Ok.. all you anarchists pray, lean on, use as a coffee coaster, your anarchist cook books... God Bless.. the rest of you will find out when you get there if you were right or not... is that a wrong thing to say?


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Time waster

Connect the picture to the crime

Time Waster! 

Hey all.. in doing research for my blogs... I ran across this crazy game... go try it and lets talk about over coffee...  Click Here

Police: Iowa woman punched boyfriend because he wouldn't have sex

And I thought everyone would be interesting in this article!

Police: Iowa woman punched boyfriend because he wouldn't have sex: Paragraph 5 contains the BEST. QUOTE. EVER.

Should Michael Jackson's doctor go to prison for singer's death?

Most of our talk today was around this type of topic...

Should Michael Jackson's doctor go to prison for singer's death?: The trial of Conrad Murray, the doctor accused of involuntary manslaughter in Michael Jackson's death, is now under way. The defense is arguing that Jackson is to blame for his own death -- that he took a mix of drugs...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

You Tube

We have our own You Tube channel now!

Yes, I went and did it. I thought about this most of the day yesterday as we needed to have our own little you tube channel so we can post videos and link them to the blog. Here is the URL  It is also on the "links list on the right hand side menu bar here on the blog. So, we can now show our stuff in video, which is sexy and has legs on the Internet, people love video far more then just pictures so this will serve us well.

Billy Mitchell

Dick was talking about the movie on Mitchell and I did a little research at the coffee table on the topic. I didn't know he got court martialed but he did... here is a link to the site Click Here or here

Tax the Amish

Yes.. a really great idea to help save America 1 trillion dollars at a time. I showed everyone this video at the coffee club this morning and I hope your coffee clubs show it too... Click Here.. or here

Professional no.2 pencil sharpening

The Internet is truly a wonderful thing. Imagine a guy who makes a living off of professionally sharpening no. 2 pencils. It only cost $15 per pencil. This morning, or yesterday actually Senator Joe, found the pencil I used to take notes for the blog and broke the end off, they carefully but it back on the pencil, mistakingly thinking that would stop me from my blogging duties. Well, he figured my tee shirts don't have pockets so I must use that pencil. Guess again there senator, I brought in my favorite pin, clipped into my tee shirt collar. I found out about his ill gotten plan last night as he showed up for dinner and confessed it to me. So, this morning I showed the Dean the evidence and the Dean had me write a note back to senator Joe, "sharpen the pencil and some things I can't repeat here". So, I loaned the senator, who was late to coffee as he overslept our start time, and he proceeded to want to sharpen the pencil, and put the shavings in my coffee... rather hostile I would say, so next time I'm ordering from this guy and charging the senator! ... Click Here or here

That's it... have a great day!

Monday, September 26, 2011

No Right on Red Video!

Dog Catchers.... 

Well the same dogs are out again this morning. It has been one week since the dog catchers were here but nothing has changed! Also, as I got out to get my mail, they all ran over to bark at me... and charge me.... but I held my ground... I am getting concerned for the children in the area too...

No Right on Red

I just put up our video on the topic and will be sending it to CalTrans tomorrow and see if we can't get some action on this issue... Now I can take video and put them up on the web too!!! I think, however I need to get our own You Tube Channel and not use mine...

Have a great day!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Aliens at the Salton Sea!

Counsel meeting

We went to the counsel meeting on Wednesday and I personally got several to go who were not going to. I do apologize to them for the outcome of the meeting. My mother once said that if you have nothing good to say, then say nothing. OK, Mom.... I understand. So, suffice it to say that none of the locals will be going back to a counsel meeting. We have all agreed on a another path.

Organized coffee clubs

I have started to look at organizing or uniting coffee clubs across America. I have been toying with the idea for a week or so now. Dick and I took a ride/adventure yesterday and ended up at Bombay Beach, and found a coffee club there. And Dick was right; they are talking about the same things we are. How America is going to hell in a handcart! So, more research has to be done on my end. In our adventure we ran across some aliens! Here is a picture of what we saw...

Aliens at the Salton Sea

Cooling off
Finally.... yes... we are cooling off a bit. It was 77 degrees this morning... wow... have to get out my sweatshirt....

Read the news in the desert sun about how IID is going to shut off all water to the Salton Sea in 2013. Death sentence is what that is and the property values just went to zero. We shall see if the are really going to do it or not. Will have a huge impact on Palm Springs and this whole area.

Spy's at the Salton Sea!

In my adventures on Saturday, I ran across, what could be considered in the old cold war days, a secret message to a dead drop. Here is the picture...

Rock on top of the wall.. out of place to then, who knows.

Yes, if you follow the intel community ways, this would have been a sign that a dead drop was being used or a communication that you want to talk to your handler etc. I just found it odd and the spy stuff came to mind.

Dogs are still here!

I don't think the dog catcher did anything about our dog issues last Monday as here are some more pictures...

The middle set of dog pictures comes from the Estates where apparently dog catchers can't seem to find any dogs. On my drive through on Saturday I counted over twenty dogs, then just stopped counting. The three dogs that attacked my car were amusing as I have not had that done in, oh like, two days... but all three of them were trying to bite the car. My car hasn't done anything to them.. so what the heck...

Time for coffee club so all of you have a great day!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The County Responds and It's Great!.. Go Darin!


Rangers checking the smelly sea this AM

The county responds

I received two great e-mails from both Darin and Terri, responding about our agenda. Darin even called Dick and talk to him about the various agenda items. I can't believe how responsive Darin is and that is a nice plus welcome feature. Most times when you work with city governments or even federal governments you really get nowhere. To find someone who is responsive to our community needs is extremely refreshing. He assured me that we will get our items in the open agenda as a minimum. I know the whole community is lucky to have someone like Darin to help us with our questions and get stuff fixed.

Microchip update

Darin found out that the reason Riverside County isn't enforcing the microchip law is apparently the county offices, currently, don't have the ability to read the microchips. I can only imagine due to cutbacks and other administrative obstacles, but the animal shelter has a long list of "to do items". I am planning to see if I can volunteer to help with this particular effort as I am an electrical engineer and could be of some value possibly?

Boycotting Walgreen's

I'm asking everyone that reads the blog to boycott Walgreens pharmacy. The pharmacist who defended himself against gun toting robbers, got fired. The pharmacist had a concealed carry permit and returned fire on the would-be robbers. This is of course against Walgreens "it's okay to rob us" policy. Walgreens is leading robbers come in and rob or kill their employees. This pharmacist should have been the employee of the month. But rather now, in our great economic despair, he is now without a job. And why? Because it's against Walgreens "it's okay to rob and kill us" policy. As consumers and as potential targets, who would want to go into Walgreens with a policy like that? So I asked us all to boycott Walgreens and if you have access to the Web let them know why. Now this pharmacist is suing the Walgreens Corporation for unlawful termination and it is conjectured, heavily, he will win and get his job back. But let's not overlook corporations who place us as an easy target for robbery or worse.

Mailboxes broken into


My mail box... as you can see people are breaking in and steeling!

Tommy Lee's mail box!


We seem to be having lots of mailboxes broken into in our community. I am going to try to engage the postal inspector general into looking into what is going on out here. Our community has just purchased new postal, mailbox doors, and will be having them put on shortly. In the meantime we can ask the Mecca postmaster to hold our mail but they would prefer not to do that, as one of our community members came up and told me last night. I do a fair amount of business with the post office and I will talk with the head of the Mecca post office and see what his thoughts are. In the meantime, it's probably best to get your mail as soon as it's delivered. And if anybody sees anything please call the sheriff and the postmaster general.

Dog catcher stories

Dick relayed this morning his conversation with Darin about the dog catcher from blight California. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate any help I can get with these dogs and our problems in North Shore. Having to come from blight California, which I think is over 200 miles at 8 miles per gallon, must cost the county a fair amount. I would hope to think that there are other options, that are less costly we just saw. I believe this will be brought up today at our meeting, at 6 PM at the North Shore yacht club.

Coffee clubs unite

I am going to investigate the possibility of uniting many of the small coffee clubs in the country today. It would be absolutely fantastic to network all the small coffee clubs together into a unified force. Americans are very sick and tired of our government, both state and federal, running open loop and spending money like drunken sailors. No accountability and lots of double talk are now things of the past. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dog Microchip

Dog microchip

 Well I was shocked at an early morning doorbell, well it was really mid morning and I thought it was my friend Dale, but it was a dog catcher. There at my door stood a dog catcher that drove all the way from blithe California. Last week's dog catchers episode was the fact that I needed to call and log any dogs I saw running loose. So I did so on Thursday. I never expected the dog catcher to show up at my house, but that's what they did. Also to my surprise was my neighbor yelling at me and swinging her arms in the air, but I couldn't understand what she was saying however she has five dogs that run loose and are aggressive. I learned many things from my visiting dogcatcher, for example, as of January 27, 2009 it's a law that you must microchip your dog or cat. He said I could find that regulation on the website and I did and its law 6.08.130. Now Dick went crazy with this law as he did not know about it and also had renewed his dog license. That was a great ordeal story that they didn't cash his check for over one month and it took him quite some time to get his dog license for Charlie. If it's a requirement to microchip your dog then why don't they tell us at the time we renew the dog license and also prove vaccinations? It seems poor business not to put money in the coffers right away as things work through the system, no wonder Riverside's a mess economically.

Dog catchers

Okay, if you read above you know that a dogcatcher from blithe California showed up at my house and ultimately went to my neighbors house with a five dogs. I'm sure she blames me for the dogcatcher showing up but it was a surprise to me as well. Her pack of dogs, are aggressive and even that morning cornered me at my mailbox and snarled. Here are the pictures of the dogs on September 19 at approximately 7:30 in the morning.

I really don't care if you have 500 dogs at your house just keep them under your control and don't put your mess out to bother the rest of us. Whatever happens she brings about herself. At coffee club today we discussed it and didn't see the dogs out this morning so thought possibly be animal control officer took them. Well, that doesn't seem to be quite true because I saw one this morning in the art across the way. Running loose his usual and under no human control. It's totally irresponsible. Here is the picture of it..

Customer service

We discussed, this morning how American companies are finally grasping customer service. According to Tommy Lee, Wal-Mart has been using phone customer service for many years. Dish TV came out and fixed Tommy Lee's lightning strike accident and three days later they called to see how the service was. The County of Riverside might want to adopt this great customer service form of communication. I don't think anybody called Dick about his dog license fiasco and find out if he was satisfied. I'm certainly waiting to get a callback about what the dogcatcher found out that my neighbors.

Fair share

I don't know if you guys are getting as tired as I am about Obama saying the rich have to pay their fair share. They pay far more than their fair share! 50% of Americans don't pay any income tax and the top 10% of the rich pay 75% of all collected income tax. Now Obama wants to raise the capital gains tax from 15%, to an unannounced 28%. Now fewer than 35% tax bracket and you take that money and invest it, if you make anything you get an additional 15% tax on your profits. That's 50% tax bracket and don't you think that's way more than your fair share? It's not math like the president says it's redistribution of wealth or socialism which is what his foundation is.


General Motors Corp. apparently has agreed to a new union labor contract. Now the union workers get $54 an hour plus lots of benefits and a $5000 sign up bonus to the union. I guess we didn't learn our lesson the last time and now that we, the taxpayer owned 49% of GMC, shouldn't we weigh in on this? You have to wonder if the Obama administration really does want to fix the economy or crush us so that he can put a emergency government in place. What a coup that would be!


On September 21 at 6 PM at the yacht club were going to have another meeting with the supervisors of Riverside. Dick & Co. want to get some items on the agenda and they are as follows:

IID:  We would like to have a voting representation on the IID board. This is been a long-standing issue but there is no voting representation from Riverside County on the IID board which is a publicly held company, owned by its customers. So we want to get some visibility to the supervisor's office at the next meeting.

Dog catchers: we would like to discuss the dogcatcher issue out here in north shore and see what the resolution is about catching these dogs. I'd like to also understand how we were not told about the requirement for micro-chipping our dogs and cats. Is it such that you pass a law that you can add finds and fees to help offset your city deficit?

Yacht club: we'd like to also understand the management structure of the yacht club, as in who's in charge, and are they making any money? What is the long-term plans of the yacht club, in addition, is there specifically a yacht club management meeting that we can attend?

Trash pickup: if you have an address here at North Shore are supposed to have trash pickup. Dick is noticed many houses do not have trash cans and therefore obviously don't have trash pickup. Their trash ends up in the desert or down in our trash bends, usually dropped off in the middle of the night, and we end up paying for it. It's very easy for the trash company to inform the city as to who has trash service and who doesn't. Those that don't need to deal with the regulation and it needs to be enforced uniformly across the entire community. No more favoritism!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Well... not much that I can report today. Mostly old stories that we shouldn't tell on the web. The only thing news that I have to look for is Tommy Lee said he read something about the power outage being caused by Mexico. I did a search but have found nothing yet. More tomorrow....

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Apple Juice

Four-star general

Dick brought this up ... here is the first paragraph then a link to the story

Meanwhile, in other Washington scandal news, a four-star Air Force general has reportedly told House members that the White House pressured him to cook his testimony about a potentially disastrous technology backed by Obama donors.

Dick calls Sen. Feinstein

In addition to me sending Sen. Feinstein and Sen. boxer and e-mail about buy American, Dick also placed two telephone calls to the senators offices. He called the common sense 101 and they like the idea and the aides said they would look forward to the senators.


We talked a lot about mesothelioma and all he asbestos the Dick handled as a wonder he doesn't have it. Larry Ahlquist was present at today's coffee club as well as Jan and Alan. We all discussed how asbestos was used commonly and it's a wonder we all are not sick.

Grocery store strike

We all talked about which grocery store were to need to go to and how crowded as can be if in fact the grocery strike happens. Alan discussed with the group how Wynco marks down its meats at 11 a.m. So if you want to get a good deal you should shop right around the 11 AM time.


We also discussed the horrible plane crash at Reno Nevada. We discussed metal fatigue and how it affects the lifetime of jets. We also discussed the Aloha airlines jet that came apart several years back. The metal fatigue seems to be more an issue now as our airplanes age.

Fiber-optic company

We also discussed the stock returns, or windfalls, that both Dick and Al received from Williams communications. Those of you who are familiar with the area out here, there are fiber-optic hub's every 40 miles along the railroad track, as this is part of the World Wide Web. The company that built these was known as Williams communications. Dick learned who they were as they were pouring the cement foundation for one of these hubs, and then from that conversation purchased stock in the company. I won't go into the windfall profit as this is Dick's personal business. It's a good story, and you should ask him one day.

Apple juice issue

Apparently Apples are being crushed to make juice and with that the seeds as well. This of course can lead to higher levels of arsenic and this came out on a television show by Dr. Oz. Here's a link to the story.

Hip replacements

Several of the people at the table today have had hip replacements or new people who had hip replacements. We discussed the technology as it has been far refined since they first started. It seems that hip replacements have come a long way and their success rates have risen sharply. The new hip replacement prosthetic is actually porous and apparently the bone can grow into the prosthetic, making a very strong joint.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

IID and Buy American

Buy American

The coffee club wanted me to reiterate to buy American and send this blog to Sen. Feinstein and Sen. Boxer.  We believe that if the government made a proclamation that all purchases had to be from US companies that within six months this recession would turn around.


At a very nice call yesterday from IID where were looking into the question if Mexicali is connected to our grid.  IID confirmed that we do sell energy back and forth across the border and I asked at what rate?  They explained it's difficult to say because the calculation is done on a daily basis.  I can understand that and ask if there were documents in the public domain, since it is a publicly held company, and she said that she would look them up for me.  I also asked when the next meeting was as I would like to go to that meeting, and she said I can find on the website.  She did say that they have a private meeting first and then a public meeting second.  So clearly I can make the public meeting and finally get down to answering the coffee club's question.

John Deere tractor

Dick never did get his Christmas present from last year as he wanted a small John Deere tractor.  He and his wife Pat went down to the John deer tractor company, in Brawley I think, and/or maybe they made a phone call, I not sure but basically they never returned his phone call.  I think they said that a salesman would contact him, and to this day they still have not heard from John deer tractor.  It's pretty crazy when you think of the recession wherein you have someone want to pay cash for tractor and then not call them back.  What's up with that?

The solar panel business (Solyndra)

We all agree there's something extremely fishy between the White House and a solar panel company Solyndra.  It should be very interesting to see the fallout with this company and Pres. Obama.

No right-hand turn sign

The more I think about this no right-hand turn sign on Highway 86 in Route 195, the more I have to think it's illegal.  I'm going to try to get the Caltrans and see what they're doing about this.  The problem is it's not instrumented solar light will never change and if you go through that no turn on red it's a moving traffic violation.  It's kind of like having me cash machine for the state, as a CHP can sit in the Starbucks on the corner and use a radio to call ahead to another CHP who will pull you over for making a right-hand turn on a no right-hand turn sign.  But since it's not instrumented you can sit there forever until someone trips the light to turn green.  We did ask a CHP out of get around this problem and he said to back up carefully and get in the one lane to trip it and then back up carefully and get back in the right hand turn lane.  I would think until they have it instrument they ought to take down the sign.

Well that's about it for now, go out and make a difference in the world!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Storms and Dog Catchers!

Crazy Stories I found in my research…

from FindLaw Blotter
Steve Lynn got the thrill of his life on Friday when, flying high above in a plane, he spotted burglars stealing items from his Jonesboro, Arkansas home.
With a bit of quick thinking, he and his pilot friend were able to help officers with the Craighead County Sheriff's Office apprehend suspects Roosevelt Smith III and Joseph Peel, both of whom have been charged with burglary and theft.
Talk about a plane ride.

Apparently, Steve Lynn had gone up in the air with two friends, and had requested that they fly over his home so he could capture a few aerial photos.
From the plane, he spotted burglars moving items into a truck hooked to a trailer, reports the Associated Press. He then called his uncle, who managed to scare off the burglars before police arrived.

The plane followed the suspects, with KAIT-TV reporting that Lynn gave play-by-play directions to officers on the ground.
While this is definitely an intriguing and amusing story, it probably wasn't the best idea for Steve Lynn and his friends to follow the suspects, who the AP reports had also stolen a rifle.

Besides the fact that you can never be sure that a suspect is unarmed, it's very easy to harm bystanders during a chase, especially if driving a vehicle. You could be held liable for any damage.

So just because a man in a plane spotted burglars at his home, it doesn't mean you should attempt to stop burglars at your own home. Steve Lynn was simply lucky the suspects didn't feel the need to shoot.

Stephanie Rabiner| No TrackBacks

He wasn't drunk or riding a mower down the street, but Phil Ray Gage of Oklahoma City was still arrested for mowing his neighbor's lawn last Friday morning.
Acting on a complaint from a different neighbor, police approached Gage outside his home at 4:30 a.m., informing him that early morning mowing is against the law.
He was subsequently arrested and cited for disturbing the police.

Technically, in many jurisdictions it is illegal to mow one's lawn at such an hour.
Most cities have enacted noise ordinances that limit the hours during which residents can freely use mowers, leaf blowers, and complete construction projects.
Though in some places it may be earlier, such activities are generally prohibited before 7 a.m., with allowances for the weekend.
It's interesting to note that these restrictions, along with the heat, are why Phil Ray Gage was mowing his lawn at such an early hour, reports The Oklahoman. He's a contractor, and spends most of his waking hours on the job.

Despite the fact that Gage was indeed disturbing the peace, he's right to point out that he shouldn't have been arrested for mowing.

An officer at the scene placed him in handcuffs, stating in the police report that he had become argumentative. Gage denies these allegations, telling The Oklahoman that he would have been hauled in had they been true.

If he had argued with officers, Phil Ray Gage would have been cited for resisting arrest--not merely arrested for mowing his lawn at such a ridiculous hour.

from FindLaw Blotter
'Tis the season to earn yourself a protest arrest.
Well, at least if you happen to be Daryl Hannah, Mayor Vincent Gray of the District of Columbia, or an ad-hoc member of hacktivist group Anonymous living in the San Francisco Bay Area.

But such incidents are actually nothing new--even if there is a constitutionally guaranteed right to assembly.

What gives?

Protest arrests exist because your constitutional right to free speech is not absolute.
Even in the most traditional of public forums, your right to assemble may be limited by reasonable time, place and manner restrictions so long as they are viewpoint neutral and narrowly drawn.

These restrictions, generally propagated to ensure safety, often take the form of permits; protest-free zones; designated protest zones; hour restrictions; noise limitations; and signpost bans.

When protesters fail to remain in the designated protest area, they can be cited for trespassing and/or impeding the flow of traffic.
When protesters violate noise ordinances, time restrictions, or assemble without a permit, they may be cited for disturbing the peace.
When protestors act in an unruly manner or impede sidewalks, they may be cited for disorderly conduct.

But when protesters fail to follow orders given by law enforcement, they almost always earn themselves a protest arrest.
Regardless of whether you like the outcome, for decades these sorts of laws and limitations have been approved by the courts. As such, they are enforceable statutes, meaning that a protest arrest based on their violation is wholly within the law.

from FindLaw Blotter
When police ordered a New Mexico woman's cavity search, no heroin was found. But the woman did get a steep, $1,122 bill for the search. The woman, who remains unnamed, has filed suit against the county asking them to cover the cost of the cavity search.
The body cavity search was ordered after police were tipped off by a "reliable source" that the woman had heroin.

On July 1st, a search warrant was issued. The woman was taken to Memorial Medical Center, where she was searched for drugs, reports MSNBC.
The search revealed no illegal substances. The woman wasn't arrested or charged with any crimes and was released, according to MSNBC.
And, to add insult to injury, the woman was sent a bill for $1,122 by Memorial Medical Center to cover the cost of the cavity search.

In most cases, for police to search a person or a person's property they need to obtain a search warrant. Search warrants are typically only issued after police make a showing to a judge that there is probable cause that a crime has occurred. And, that there is a likelihood that evidence of a crime or contraband will be found through the search.
When making this showing, police can rely on their own observations and evidence or on information given by informants or other sources. If police solely rely on sources or informants, they need to prove that their sources are reliable.

The New Mexico woman's cavity search was most likely legal if the source really was reliable. But, does that really mean she needs to be slapped with a $1,122 bill?

Work till June to pay your taxes:

 We did some searching at it is now that we work till June to pay our taxes! Then if you consider all the other taxes we pay: buying food, gas, etc, it makes us over 53% of our income going to taxes! How much is enough? Like that one kid asked at the republican debate : "How much money do you think we can keep from our salaries?"... no one had the answer... Fire the government, or downsize it and let us keep the money we earn!  Hm... there is a thought.

Mexicali and power plants?

We did discuss again this morning how Mexicali in Tijuana went off the grid last Thursday was Southern California. I did find out that we have reciprocal agreements that we send them power during the winter and then they helped send us power during the summer. There are meters on both sides of the border but will still be interesting to see if were all paying the same per kilowatt. I also in my research ran across the following article, which you can see the first paragraph and then I'll provide a link reading the read the story. Turns out there's a group you're one EPA shut the Mexican power plants off because they don't meet EPA standards.

The first paragraph:

Sempra Energy Resources has built a $350 million, 600MW power plant near Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico. Sempra is the independent power generation subsidiary of Sempra Energy, parent company of San Diego Gas and Electric Company. The new Termoeléctrica de Mexicali is a combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power station. It has two gas turbines, a steam turbine and a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). The plant is connected to the US electric grid via a new, 230kV transmission line. The power plant was completed in July 2003.

Water meter costs

Again we discussed the permitting process here in our region for Riverside County. It costs $14,000 to get a permit to put in a water meter on your property. Now mind you water meters cost about $325 to purchase, and two guys with a backhoe another couple hundred dollars to put the thing in, and you're done. Why $14,000 for a permit? I was sure like to have someone from the city explained that cost? I admit I think I understand why it's to put money in the coffers for the unsustainable pensions. I also have evidence to say that not everyone pays $14,000 for their water meters. There seems to be a group of honored guests backed up by a well-known church that offsets the cost for any water meters for them. Backdoor agreements is what it sounds like to me. I know people are not that I like what I have to say, but it's not just me, it's the entire community wondering these questions.

Off-road laws

I still want to try to contact the sheriff's department to clarify for the entire community would be off road laws are out in our area. We get different readings from the sheriff's department, fishing game, and BLM all having some kind of different reading of where we can off-road and where we can't. They are giving finds out $370 plus if you use a County Road, paid by county taxes, which is ultimately paid by us taxpayers and why is it we can't use our own road? So I'm still trying to find out what we can and cannot do, as good law abiding citizens we just want to abide by the law.

There also is a new California law

There's also now a new law that if you do not have a valid California drivers license all you will get is a citation. It used to be that if you do not have a valid California drivers license they would impound your car. I'm counting your car was left up to each county, whether they would or would not, which of course allows for sanctuary cities to allow illegal aliens to have cars with no insurance and no valid California drivers license. This clearly puts the population at risk, but one population that law-enforcement is supposed to protect. So if this new law passes, it is going to the governor's office now, I wonder why any of us need to get drivers licenses?

Obama's jobs plan

Dick was pointing out that even if we passed Obama's new job plan there would really be no jobs for 2 to 3 years as plans and right aways have to be complete before any job starts.

Apples and cold storage

Dick asked if Sen. Joe would brings down some apples from Washington state as all of our apples down here are put in the cold storage in a case like it too. I didn't realize that they put apples and cold storage to last the next year but apparently they do. It is so difficult to get really good tasting from the states. My grandparents used to have a fruit ranch and we had fresh peaches and pears all the time as I was growing up. Everything now is quite a disappointment.

Dog catchers

I got called yesterday by animal control and was a very pleasant conversation. I talked to a person named Rita and she was extremely helpful. I explained to her that during the last supervisors meeting out here and we were kind of told to fend for ourselves as far as dog catcher was concerned. They could not support us nor can we get traps without paying a fee for them. She helped me to understand the current policy, which allows them to bring out a trap to us, and if we catch a dog they will in fact come out and get that trap in a timely fashion. So we may actually start to run two traps which will be a great help. She said that they had come out last week and loaded an entire truck full of dogs up and had actually had to leave dogs behind. I also mentioned to her, or actually ask her, why they were asking for volunteers from the retired folk out here, to give them a hand. She said if I wanted to come to work as a volunteer she give me a truck and I ago. I'm considering such. One thing I do find encouraging is that they're now talking with us and trying to work the problem in a constructive fashion. My hats off to Rita! One thing she also said was we need to call in when we see these dogs and this helps them to show that there is a need for more dog catchers, therefore their upper management can also see the need. So the main number to call in is 951-358-7387, and lodge your dog sighting with the operator.





Boy did we have storms yesterday! It was wonderful with all the lightning and thunder and rain, which is a welcome change when you live in the desert. But flash floods occurred, and we washed out lots of roads. There was a huge explosion somewhere around 6 AM, and I heard it from the coffee club, so when I got home I found out what it was. A huge osprey landed on the transformer for Caesar's house and shorted the whole thing out. Of course it killed osprey and it killed the transformer. IID came out and fixed it, around two o'clock, even in the lightning and rain they were out there fixing their stuff. I was quite impressive actually and I thought wow they must know what they're doing seems awfully dangerous to me. But they fixed it in record time and got Caesar's house back online.

Also, lightning struck Tommy Lee's Palm tree and set part of it on fire plus it struck his DirecTV dish and knocked out his whole entertainment system. I did see a truck here this morning from DirecTV and I presume the Tommy Lee is back on the air with all his football and such.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Buy American AGAIN

Buy American

Dick was reporting a story this morning about Donald Trump and how he purchased a vineyard in Virginia and when he went to visit he was horrified to find all the wine bottles were made in Mexico. This prompted us to look up or see if there was a list of American-made products for people to purchase, and I'm pleased to note there is a search engine website that caters to American-made products. I will place a link here to that search engine.

Lieut. Wetherbee

It's been seven years since the death of my friend and student, Lieut. Alex Wetherbee, who died in action in the Anbar province of Iraq. For all who read this to say a prayer for him and his surviving family. He was very close to most of us martial artists and his loss is felt every day.

Buck knives

Phil was discussing a story from his elk hunting days where one of the hunters used a Buck knife and was hitting the blade, or the back of the blade on a rock and the blade broke. True to their warranty, Buck knives, replace the blade at no cost to the hunter. I then recounted a story that I had heard when I was consulting in San Diego that Buck knives had to leave El Cajon because the cost of doing business in California is just so high. I had to look them up on the web but they moved to Idaho. Way to go California. Way to go Gov. Brown, as we lose 4.5 businesses a day leaving the state of California.

Sen. Joe

Sen. Joe and his son arrived today in their $1000 pickup truck, actually they arrived last night from Washington state and did so with a straight 22 Hour drive. He is always a welcome sight in our coffee club as he brings the political side of life and some of the explanations to bare.

Eating right

We have somewhat of a roundtable at our coffee club and the consensus around the table was that other people in our lives always knew what was best for us and what we. It would seem others know better than you about what you put in your body and that some people forget is your right to eat whatever you want. Simple fact! But in doing so research on the web...


Foods for Increasing Sperm Count and Sperm Health

If you’re having trouble getting pregnant, there’s at least a 30% chance it’s because of male fertility problems. That’s why it’s so important to eat the right foods.

Red peppers, carrots, oatmeal, dried apricots

The vitamin A in these foods help grow healthy sperm. “Deficiencies in vitamin A in men have been linked to lowered fertility due to sluggish sperm,” writes Heidi Murkoff in What to Expect Before You’re Expecting. To increase sperm count and motility, eat dark green lettuce, broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, and dairy fortified with vitamin A.

Asparagus, snow peas, cooked tomatoes, strawberries


I did come across this guys... this is what we should be eating!


Everybody seemed to enjoy football and the 9/11 specials yesterday. Lots of old-time stories on Notre Dame and some of the antics that they have gone through.

Missing in action

Tommy Lee was not present at today's coffee club as he had to go to Hemet.


Listening to the stories being recounted over the last 40 years of most of the coffee clubs lives, it would seem to me that coffee was a more social event than it is today. People would come and have coffee with selected individuals to discuss work or just hang out. I can remember my grandparents deliberately setting up coffee meetings with selected individuals, and having a social event. Most of us see coffee is a tool, that is my generation, to stay awake and produce the fruits of our labor. I learned to drink coffee in the Army but really started to enjoy coffee and college. Since then I use coffee more as a tool than a device for social events. Just my observation.

Dog catchers

Driving out to the coffee club, and not only did I see a beautiful moon, but there's one dog that likes to attack my car and the other dog, which I'm going to upload a picture of, always seems to be out and even though he's only got three legs he is the most aggressive one of the bunch (I think I'll wait to get my mail!). But again, there's nothing we can do because the dog catchers have to service their contract city's first, even though we pay our taxes for that type of support and we pay for our dog licenses, we have no representation or support from that department. Taxation without representation they think there was a whole war about that, wasn't there? Yet here today were told to suck it up and just live with. If you were to shoot those dogs you go to jail immediately, there seems to be no problem with the sheriff's department in contrast to the dog catching department. Go figure!

Oh, they can save a kitty but can't get our dogs that move in packs a bit at us! Check out the kitty story here... I'm impressed...

That's it for today, go do something good in the world!