Thursday, September 15, 2011

IID and Buy American

Buy American

The coffee club wanted me to reiterate to buy American and send this blog to Sen. Feinstein and Sen. Boxer.  We believe that if the government made a proclamation that all purchases had to be from US companies that within six months this recession would turn around.


At a very nice call yesterday from IID where were looking into the question if Mexicali is connected to our grid.  IID confirmed that we do sell energy back and forth across the border and I asked at what rate?  They explained it's difficult to say because the calculation is done on a daily basis.  I can understand that and ask if there were documents in the public domain, since it is a publicly held company, and she said that she would look them up for me.  I also asked when the next meeting was as I would like to go to that meeting, and she said I can find on the website.  She did say that they have a private meeting first and then a public meeting second.  So clearly I can make the public meeting and finally get down to answering the coffee club's question.

John Deere tractor

Dick never did get his Christmas present from last year as he wanted a small John Deere tractor.  He and his wife Pat went down to the John deer tractor company, in Brawley I think, and/or maybe they made a phone call, I not sure but basically they never returned his phone call.  I think they said that a salesman would contact him, and to this day they still have not heard from John deer tractor.  It's pretty crazy when you think of the recession wherein you have someone want to pay cash for tractor and then not call them back.  What's up with that?

The solar panel business (Solyndra)

We all agree there's something extremely fishy between the White House and a solar panel company Solyndra.  It should be very interesting to see the fallout with this company and Pres. Obama.

No right-hand turn sign

The more I think about this no right-hand turn sign on Highway 86 in Route 195, the more I have to think it's illegal.  I'm going to try to get the Caltrans and see what they're doing about this.  The problem is it's not instrumented solar light will never change and if you go through that no turn on red it's a moving traffic violation.  It's kind of like having me cash machine for the state, as a CHP can sit in the Starbucks on the corner and use a radio to call ahead to another CHP who will pull you over for making a right-hand turn on a no right-hand turn sign.  But since it's not instrumented you can sit there forever until someone trips the light to turn green.  We did ask a CHP out of get around this problem and he said to back up carefully and get in the one lane to trip it and then back up carefully and get back in the right hand turn lane.  I would think until they have it instrument they ought to take down the sign.

Well that's about it for now, go out and make a difference in the world!

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