Saturday, September 17, 2011

Apple Juice

Four-star general

Dick brought this up ... here is the first paragraph then a link to the story

Meanwhile, in other Washington scandal news, a four-star Air Force general has reportedly told House members that the White House pressured him to cook his testimony about a potentially disastrous technology backed by Obama donors.

Dick calls Sen. Feinstein

In addition to me sending Sen. Feinstein and Sen. boxer and e-mail about buy American, Dick also placed two telephone calls to the senators offices. He called the common sense 101 and they like the idea and the aides said they would look forward to the senators.


We talked a lot about mesothelioma and all he asbestos the Dick handled as a wonder he doesn't have it. Larry Ahlquist was present at today's coffee club as well as Jan and Alan. We all discussed how asbestos was used commonly and it's a wonder we all are not sick.

Grocery store strike

We all talked about which grocery store were to need to go to and how crowded as can be if in fact the grocery strike happens. Alan discussed with the group how Wynco marks down its meats at 11 a.m. So if you want to get a good deal you should shop right around the 11 AM time.


We also discussed the horrible plane crash at Reno Nevada. We discussed metal fatigue and how it affects the lifetime of jets. We also discussed the Aloha airlines jet that came apart several years back. The metal fatigue seems to be more an issue now as our airplanes age.

Fiber-optic company

We also discussed the stock returns, or windfalls, that both Dick and Al received from Williams communications. Those of you who are familiar with the area out here, there are fiber-optic hub's every 40 miles along the railroad track, as this is part of the World Wide Web. The company that built these was known as Williams communications. Dick learned who they were as they were pouring the cement foundation for one of these hubs, and then from that conversation purchased stock in the company. I won't go into the windfall profit as this is Dick's personal business. It's a good story, and you should ask him one day.

Apple juice issue

Apparently Apples are being crushed to make juice and with that the seeds as well. This of course can lead to higher levels of arsenic and this came out on a television show by Dr. Oz. Here's a link to the story.

Hip replacements

Several of the people at the table today have had hip replacements or new people who had hip replacements. We discussed the technology as it has been far refined since they first started. It seems that hip replacements have come a long way and their success rates have risen sharply. The new hip replacement prosthetic is actually porous and apparently the bone can grow into the prosthetic, making a very strong joint.

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