Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The County Responds and It's Great!.. Go Darin!


Rangers checking the smelly sea this AM

The county responds

I received two great e-mails from both Darin and Terri, responding about our agenda. Darin even called Dick and talk to him about the various agenda items. I can't believe how responsive Darin is and that is a nice plus welcome feature. Most times when you work with city governments or even federal governments you really get nowhere. To find someone who is responsive to our community needs is extremely refreshing. He assured me that we will get our items in the open agenda as a minimum. I know the whole community is lucky to have someone like Darin to help us with our questions and get stuff fixed.

Microchip update

Darin found out that the reason Riverside County isn't enforcing the microchip law is apparently the county offices, currently, don't have the ability to read the microchips. I can only imagine due to cutbacks and other administrative obstacles, but the animal shelter has a long list of "to do items". I am planning to see if I can volunteer to help with this particular effort as I am an electrical engineer and could be of some value possibly?

Boycotting Walgreen's

I'm asking everyone that reads the blog to boycott Walgreens pharmacy. The pharmacist who defended himself against gun toting robbers, got fired. The pharmacist had a concealed carry permit and returned fire on the would-be robbers. This is of course against Walgreens "it's okay to rob us" policy. Walgreens is leading robbers come in and rob or kill their employees. This pharmacist should have been the employee of the month. But rather now, in our great economic despair, he is now without a job. And why? Because it's against Walgreens "it's okay to rob and kill us" policy. As consumers and as potential targets, who would want to go into Walgreens with a policy like that? So I asked us all to boycott Walgreens and if you have access to the Web let them know why. Now this pharmacist is suing the Walgreens Corporation for unlawful termination and it is conjectured, heavily, he will win and get his job back. But let's not overlook corporations who place us as an easy target for robbery or worse.

Mailboxes broken into


My mail box... as you can see people are breaking in and steeling!

Tommy Lee's mail box!


We seem to be having lots of mailboxes broken into in our community. I am going to try to engage the postal inspector general into looking into what is going on out here. Our community has just purchased new postal, mailbox doors, and will be having them put on shortly. In the meantime we can ask the Mecca postmaster to hold our mail but they would prefer not to do that, as one of our community members came up and told me last night. I do a fair amount of business with the post office and I will talk with the head of the Mecca post office and see what his thoughts are. In the meantime, it's probably best to get your mail as soon as it's delivered. And if anybody sees anything please call the sheriff and the postmaster general.

Dog catcher stories

Dick relayed this morning his conversation with Darin about the dog catcher from blight California. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate any help I can get with these dogs and our problems in North Shore. Having to come from blight California, which I think is over 200 miles at 8 miles per gallon, must cost the county a fair amount. I would hope to think that there are other options, that are less costly we just saw. I believe this will be brought up today at our meeting, at 6 PM at the North Shore yacht club.

Coffee clubs unite

I am going to investigate the possibility of uniting many of the small coffee clubs in the country today. It would be absolutely fantastic to network all the small coffee clubs together into a unified force. Americans are very sick and tired of our government, both state and federal, running open loop and spending money like drunken sailors. No accountability and lots of double talk are now things of the past. Wish me luck!

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