Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dog Microchip

Dog microchip

 Well I was shocked at an early morning doorbell, well it was really mid morning and I thought it was my friend Dale, but it was a dog catcher. There at my door stood a dog catcher that drove all the way from blithe California. Last week's dog catchers episode was the fact that I needed to call and log any dogs I saw running loose. So I did so on Thursday. I never expected the dog catcher to show up at my house, but that's what they did. Also to my surprise was my neighbor yelling at me and swinging her arms in the air, but I couldn't understand what she was saying however she has five dogs that run loose and are aggressive. I learned many things from my visiting dogcatcher, for example, as of January 27, 2009 it's a law that you must microchip your dog or cat. He said I could find that regulation on the website and I did and its law 6.08.130. Now Dick went crazy with this law as he did not know about it and also had renewed his dog license. That was a great ordeal story that they didn't cash his check for over one month and it took him quite some time to get his dog license for Charlie. If it's a requirement to microchip your dog then why don't they tell us at the time we renew the dog license and also prove vaccinations? It seems poor business not to put money in the coffers right away as things work through the system, no wonder Riverside's a mess economically.

Dog catchers

Okay, if you read above you know that a dogcatcher from blithe California showed up at my house and ultimately went to my neighbors house with a five dogs. I'm sure she blames me for the dogcatcher showing up but it was a surprise to me as well. Her pack of dogs, are aggressive and even that morning cornered me at my mailbox and snarled. Here are the pictures of the dogs on September 19 at approximately 7:30 in the morning.

I really don't care if you have 500 dogs at your house just keep them under your control and don't put your mess out to bother the rest of us. Whatever happens she brings about herself. At coffee club today we discussed it and didn't see the dogs out this morning so thought possibly be animal control officer took them. Well, that doesn't seem to be quite true because I saw one this morning in the art across the way. Running loose his usual and under no human control. It's totally irresponsible. Here is the picture of it..

Customer service

We discussed, this morning how American companies are finally grasping customer service. According to Tommy Lee, Wal-Mart has been using phone customer service for many years. Dish TV came out and fixed Tommy Lee's lightning strike accident and three days later they called to see how the service was. The County of Riverside might want to adopt this great customer service form of communication. I don't think anybody called Dick about his dog license fiasco and find out if he was satisfied. I'm certainly waiting to get a callback about what the dogcatcher found out that my neighbors.

Fair share

I don't know if you guys are getting as tired as I am about Obama saying the rich have to pay their fair share. They pay far more than their fair share! 50% of Americans don't pay any income tax and the top 10% of the rich pay 75% of all collected income tax. Now Obama wants to raise the capital gains tax from 15%, to an unannounced 28%. Now fewer than 35% tax bracket and you take that money and invest it, if you make anything you get an additional 15% tax on your profits. That's 50% tax bracket and don't you think that's way more than your fair share? It's not math like the president says it's redistribution of wealth or socialism which is what his foundation is.


General Motors Corp. apparently has agreed to a new union labor contract. Now the union workers get $54 an hour plus lots of benefits and a $5000 sign up bonus to the union. I guess we didn't learn our lesson the last time and now that we, the taxpayer owned 49% of GMC, shouldn't we weigh in on this? You have to wonder if the Obama administration really does want to fix the economy or crush us so that he can put a emergency government in place. What a coup that would be!


On September 21 at 6 PM at the yacht club were going to have another meeting with the supervisors of Riverside. Dick & Co. want to get some items on the agenda and they are as follows:

IID:  We would like to have a voting representation on the IID board. This is been a long-standing issue but there is no voting representation from Riverside County on the IID board which is a publicly held company, owned by its customers. So we want to get some visibility to the supervisor's office at the next meeting.

Dog catchers: we would like to discuss the dogcatcher issue out here in north shore and see what the resolution is about catching these dogs. I'd like to also understand how we were not told about the requirement for micro-chipping our dogs and cats. Is it such that you pass a law that you can add finds and fees to help offset your city deficit?

Yacht club: we'd like to also understand the management structure of the yacht club, as in who's in charge, and are they making any money? What is the long-term plans of the yacht club, in addition, is there specifically a yacht club management meeting that we can attend?

Trash pickup: if you have an address here at North Shore are supposed to have trash pickup. Dick is noticed many houses do not have trash cans and therefore obviously don't have trash pickup. Their trash ends up in the desert or down in our trash bends, usually dropped off in the middle of the night, and we end up paying for it. It's very easy for the trash company to inform the city as to who has trash service and who doesn't. Those that don't need to deal with the regulation and it needs to be enforced uniformly across the entire community. No more favoritism!

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