Sunday, September 11, 2011



Well today is the 10th anniversary of the 911 attack on the twin Towers in New York City. We discussed around the table, should we fly our flags at half mast today and the consensus was yes. So we will have our American flags flying at half mast here to Salton Sea.

Show up on time

We've been monitoring the continuing saga of Dick and his yard work labor. It's so difficult to find people out here in the desert who work in our yards, and Dick thought he found someone but alas he fired them yesterday. And why? Well he was supposed to show up several days earlier and did not, they called him and he said that he would come on Saturday. He was supposed to start work at 8 AM, and Dick went outside and started work at 8 AM, and the laborer showed up at 10 AM go to work. They promptly showed him how much work needed to be done and how much money he just lost because he can't show up on time. And as Dick says he might've cut off his nose to spite his face but he fired him and sent him along his way. So Dick is going to now take up the same approach Tommy Lee does with his yardwork, and that is do an hour or two a day but don't make it a career.

It ain't worth it

We did discuss how many times in one's life you end up doing things for other people and if you're not careful it can just take over your life. We came to the conclusion that "it just ain't worth it".

Temporary tax

We were discussing how the insurance companies now have open season to create more income for them as they are raising our rates and there's nothing we can do about it. Tommy Lee was discussing a $600 a year increase in his insurance in Oklahoma for a 40,000 dollar piece of property. They claim that because it's a 3 bedroom place there has to be $10,000 worth of household goods in each room there for the increase in insurance. It's almost a conspiracy because you can't get lower insurance and you can't not pay it. One of the members of the coffee club bought a bunch of antiques, a long time ago, and the insurance company has placed an extra righter on his property even though he has not had the antiques for over 20 years. He can't get rid of the extra fee the matter what he does. This stuff should be illegal. Tommy Lee explained that the best way to get a permanent tax is to make it a temporary tax because they never seem to go away.

Bombay Beach


We were discussing the lack of restaurants here at the Salton Sea and they discussed the old times when there were several restaurants. Even when I got here I had heard that down a Bombay Beach the American Legion would have various specials through the week that were very good. Then I heard you had to be very brave to eat there. I don't mean to slander anyone here as I don't know the quality of the food or even if it's available any longer. We decided we would take a run down there and see what was available. We are approaching snowbird time and that's when these little restaurants get back in business. I also took some pictures of our coffee club and flyers that have been on the wall for over four years. In addition, it's termite season and so I took a picture of the termites don't build castles in the coffee club. That's it for today.. all have a safe and wonderful day!

Our coffee club table!

Previous members


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